Music is an expression of how we feel. We express ourselves through singing, dancing or playing an instrument. For the creative artist, you will be able to sing, write, dance, compose and produce from your heart. 9 1 Deuce Entertainment is the brand of a new millennium company. Introducing an entertainment brand where you as the artist have creative control. 9 1 Deuce Entertainment will showcase your talents with my personal guidance, passion and attention to detail. We give you the opportunity to achieve your goals in the industry.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Music Industry Digital Road Map

It’s evident to compete in the music industry you will have to change how and where you market your artist. The digital landscape has changed how we market, manufacture and distribute music in the digital era. The old business model of being signed by a record label is a thing of the past. You no longer need the help of the record label’s manufacturing and distribution outlets to get your music out to the fans.
Social media and the Internet have changed the way we market and promote an artist. It is now conceivable for an independent artist to record, manufacture and distribute their own music and keep all the copyrights and royalties themselves. One might think the new business model is evil and working against the music industry. On the other hand, the independent artist is embracing and moving forward to showcasing their music on an international level.
Digital marketing has opened up a whole new medium for your artist to reach the international level and engage your fans. You will now have to reach more fans than you ever had before. A typical fan will come across your music several ways thanks to the Internet. They will hear about it on a social media platform like Facebook, blog websites, Tumblr, Stumbleupon or Twitter.
In order to keep your new fan base you will have to make sure to continue to build a relationship with your fans. The Internet has changed the way that artists interact with their fan base. You need to constantly engage your fans and let them know they matter.
Strategy Advisors from Vertygo Teams states, “Music is Art and Music has to be considered and treated by Record Companies Executives as Art. 
Therefore Marketing Executives have to step back, and adopt a smarter marketing strategy. Which is "let the band play and just stepback" marketing strategy. The best marketing strategy in Music is simple: Passion and Inspiration. This should be the marketing drive in music. The Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd were highly successful just because they were making great music, and because there were many music lovers who were liking it. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Music is a unique art form and with the Internet and digital age, it is now more interactive than before. You as the listener can now listen to your favorite artist via your Android cell phones, streaming media, iPods and Internet radio. According to Bas Grasmayer. “You have to develop a party analogy and treat every listener as a guest to your house party. If you don’t introduce them to others, you’ll be the center of attention all the time, but you can’t talk to everyone at the same time, so people are likely to get bored and leave. The key to a successful party is connecting the strangers, so they can have fun together. 

Evolution of Music: The Impact of Digital on the Music Industry [INFOGRAPHIC]
The beauty of music is the creation of where it comes from, so be unique and different!

Sing, write, compose and produce from your heart!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your post and I have experience the changes personally working with artist pre and during the social media revolution. In the pre-social media days, I did a lot of letter writing, travel to different states and emails blasts to get information out and the turn around time was horrible. Now with the surge of social media the turn around and access to those people making the decisions are almost a click of a button away. ~ Leslie
